Thursday 4 February 2016

Production schedual- Editing

Date and Time
Editing equipment
Effects and tools
Session description
19th of January
Final cut pro
-Ken Burns effect
-Trim tool
In this session I will look to organize all of the clips into one whole sequence by trimming the footage down to the correct size and deleting the unwanted parts. I will also add in blank screens between each shot of the car at the start.
The Hills by The Weekend
21th of January
Final Cut Pro X
-Ken Burns
-Dissolve and fade transitions
In this part of the editing process I will aim to add in all the transitions, effects and non-digetic sound. I want to add the song ‘Jungle to the part where the two criminals get out of the car and head toward the bank as it works well with their powerful movements.
-Jungle by X Ambassadors
-Sandstorm by Darude
-The One by Elena Seigman

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